
Chakra Music

Siarhei Korbut
label: Siarhei Korbut
This meditation music was created with solfeggio frequencies - a healing frequencies often used in reiki and healing sessions.

174 Hz - Considered to be a natural anaesthetic. The 174Hz healing frequency relieve a person from tension and pain.
285 Hz - Promotes the healing of damaged tissue and internal organs.
396 Hz - This is a low and smooth frequency that helps cleanse feelings of guilt, fear, and trauma (396Hz - 1st chakra, Muladhara / Root Chakra)
417 Hz - The frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences created from past events (417Hz - 2st chakra, Svadhishthana / Sacral Charka)
528 Hz - Heal DNA, clarity & peace of mind (528Hz - 3st chakra, Manipura / Solar Chakra)
639 Hz - Heal interpersonal relationships (639Hz - 4st chakra,
Anaharta / Heart Chakra)
741 Hz - Solve problems, improve emotional stability (741Hz - 5st chakra, Vishudda / Throat Chakra)
852 Hz - Awaken intuition, harmony & spiritual order. 852Hz - 6st chakra, Ajna (3rd Eye).
963 Hz - Spiritually awakening and connecting to the oneness of Universe (963Hz - 7st chakra, Sahasrara / Crown Chakra)
Release date
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