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Date: 06.01.2021

Mixupload policy overhaul

For many years Mixupload offered its users unlimited subscriptions model, which allowed some music lovers to download hundreds or even thousands of tracks. Mixupload paid a reward to copyright holders for all downloads, compensating this at the expense of those who downloaded a little. In 2021, Mixupload is moving to a fairer monetization and subscription model, where payments will be made based on the number of downloaded tracks. Still all other premium functionality will remain unchanged. About 80% of users will not notice this transition at all, while the remaining 20% ​​will be able to contribute more to the development of the music industry and to give more support to their favorite artists and labels.

Mixupload - even more benefits to copyright holders

Despite all the difficulties of 2020, Mixupload is trying to find the perfect balance between the benefit of copyright holders and the availability of music for DJs and music lovers.

As you may know, the main market for us is Eastern Europe and Central Asia, traditionally these regions were very bad for monetizing content, and the amount of pirated content was just off the charts. With the help of our service, producers from all over the world got an opportunity to receive royalties from regions where they’ve got nothing before. At the same time we find that Mixupload is also interesting for better developed markets and we want to reduce the amount of lost profits for copyright holders on those markets as well. In this regard, startin 2021, Mixupload is changing its subscription model, thus quadrupling download payments for users of developed markets, selling at least 20 tracks at once for one user.

New plans are available to new users since January 10th, older users will be transferred to new plans once their current subscriptions are expired.

Mixupload also offers users to donate the tracks they like, thereby increasing profits for authors and labels.

Mixupload - copyright control

Mixupload strengthens control over user-generated content. All uploaded tracks are moderated and suspended if suspicious until proof of copyright is provided.

In 2020 Mixupload catalog was manually searched for any infringing tracks and cleaned.

Mixupload - future plans

Mixupload significantly expands its music catalog dealing with more and more right holders and releases updated mobile applications, which will increase the influx of users and increase payments to copyright holders for streaming.

Mixupload - label services

Apply for label status on Mixupload to get real-time statistics, page control and special offers. https://mixupload.com/promoLabel

We’re happy to see all kinds of music on Mixupload as we have users from more than 150 countries with completely different preferences. Get your music delivered to https://mixupload.com/ via Symphonic Distribution to get the best conditions.

Feel free to contact Mixupload support team for better experience and promotional options. https://mixupload.com/support/add
