Spectrum and info
The compilation participants wrote music, being in isolation. And this is not only now - the music is generally intimate, a separate process of lonely romantics who self-isolate each time in order to get the most painful and sincere feelings out of the hidden bins of memory, displaying them using computer synthesis in music.

According to the compilation legend, this music of the future were caught from a black hole near Phobos, Mars, - future where mankind, whether it survived the apocalypse or not - is not clear. Only after feeling this music, we can conclude: something reasonable, nevertheless, will remain, at least, to create new universes.

The collection is full of emotions associated with isolation: from despair to hope for a happy future. Local musicians Hidden Element, Monotronique, SERPEŃ UKRAЇNA, Phobos Child, Saturated Color, Ϙue, Luschn, Arthur Kriulyn and Shadow Unit took part.