
Mona Records Sampler ADE 2018

Aseptik Noise, Jon Maraka, Repajaro, Anthony Kasanc, Oskitronic, Daytona Team, Carlos Cmix, Luis Weyers, Keita Sato, Jose Ayen, Joaqui, Katsu Arai, Fumihiko Takei, Wyndell Long, Dubman F., Matiz, Jorge N, 6:6:6, Piero dB, Finster, Red Albert, Van Czar, Robert Crazy, Human Robot, Jan Liefhebber, Davide Casadio, Poolar, Christian Haro, Manuel Costela, Circular Dope, Pablo Padilla, Metamann, Orabich Down Beats, Senmove, W.Brise
label: Mona Records
It's been 4 years since Mona Records put our bit to the ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) and what better way to do it with a compilation of unpublished songs by our most prominent artists.
Subjects arrived from Japan, Brazil, Germany, Belgium, Chicago (USA), England, Italy, Chile and of course from all corners of Spain
33 tracks with which you can make a session 100% Mona Records, techno of extreme quality for this occasion, proud of the work presented by our artists and the sound "Mona Records" that over the years we are getting.
We hope you enjoy it!

Mona Records (C) 2018 Mastering by Sudblock Studios.
Release date