
Capital And Chaos Illumine Concrete Remixes

Silence Complot
label: Black Leather Records
Silence Complot is 4 ep music and image art work consecutive from the( Silence Complot ) single track produced in 2011 and included in the Dave Clarke s Fabric London # 60 which had succesfully club and electronic audience response worldwide and overseas remarking the track in charts and notable higlighted magazines.

Silence Complot nowdays is presented as a solo artist project musically and conceptually arty industrial last generation where 80s and 90s memorable nostalgia reflects the great decades of post contemporary and club life style.

"An artist personal perception experience into socio neo dystopia and a submerged society in reconstuction avoiding several status in progress, conflict, war, solution and conclusion. States of humanism and a brightly dark background which defines a post noise sound work."

Art Cover By Victor M Lenis R

Illumine Concrete is Stephan Busche ( Polygamy Boys ) solo project who collaborates with 2 remixes respectively into post Minimal Synth and electro - warehouse disco and derivants .Conceptually vintage ad retro futuristic secuenced methods in compose.

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