

Deleted soul
I listen to the sound that the city emits, always from the point of view of the deer, now a concept that will give rise to Oblivion, the second official album of Deleted Soul. From the forest with curiosity one approaches the urban, the city, the rivers of people and one has the sensation of coming from another planet. Everything becomes different, everything becomes man-made, noisy and fascinating, dangerous and attractive. In the world from which the deer comes, silence and nocturnal reflection is everyday life, now there is the same feeling of bewilderment and surprise that the natives had at the first contact with the most advanced populations. The diamond, a symbol of wealth for man, becomes a non-place full of meanings, it becomes the new cross that we are forced to carry in a society that is self-destructing, dividing itself and becoming more and more ghettoized. Breathe today, listen to the heartbeat, secretly, from afar, admiring a fascinating but dangerous place, the urbanized world.
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