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HE HAD SLEPT about two hours when the daylight woke him and he looked at Jendayi sleeping easily and looking happy in her sleep. He left her looking beautiful and young and unspoiled and then went into the bathroom and showered and put on a pair of shorts and walked barefoot through the garden to the where he worked. The sky was washed, clean after the and it was the fresh early morning of a new day toward the end of summer. He started in again on the new and difficult story and worked attaching each that for years he had put off facing. He worked until nearly eleven o'clock and when he had finished for day he shut up the room and went out and found the two girls playing chess at a table in the They both looked fresh and young and as attractive as the wind-washed morning sky. “She beating me again," Jendayi said. "How are you David?” The girl smiled at him very shyly. Anber fell asleep in a Gondola and awake under the hot shivering sun. This is his first offering for Shango Records. These two tracks are fluid as a paintbrush yet precise as a scalpel. Balint Boldizsar, jonajosu, Jean Vayat and M.Age.Project are telling stories of “maybe” to Jendayi.