Spectrum and info
The weekly Pattern Conference brought together the nine leaders of the camp in their reinforced underground conference chamber. Armed guards protected the entrance, which was sealed tight as soon as the last leader had been examined, checked over and finally passed. Doimgraf-Schwach, the conference chairman, sat attentively in his deep chair, one hand on the Pattern composite, the other on the switch that could instantly catapult him from the room and into the special compartment, safe from attack. Portbane was making his routine inspection of the chamber, examining each chair and desk for scanning eyes. Daniels sat with eyes fixed on his Geiger computer. Silberman was completely encased in an elaborate steel and plastic suit, configured with wiring, from which continual whirrings came. “What in God’s name is that suit of armor?” Doimgraf-Schwach asked angrily. “Take it off so we can see you”. “Nuts to you”, Silberman snapped, his voice muted by his intricate hull. “I’m wearing this from now on. Last night, somebody tried to jab me with bacteria-impregnated needles”. Lanoir, who was half-dozing at his place came alive. “Bacteria-impregnated needles?” He leaped up and hurried over to Silberman. “Let me ask you if” “Keep away from me!” Silberman shouted. “If you come any closer, I’ll electrocute you!”