Spectrum and info
Endless Space is back, this time with 4 new psychedelic blasters which will for sure blow your mind away! We are proud to present an EP called 'Shapes Of Time'! In the essence Endless Space sounds like what the name itself says, there are plenty of atmospheres that are massive and never stopping, crystal bass lines, combinations of rhymes from the funky stage through clear afro percussions rhythms and distorted drum combinations. Each song has a story for itself and you will never hear a copy-paste in his music. Alex is struggling to transfer into his art the real subject of the story and through sound, he docks the idea of a song and conveys his vision. The music he creates is, on the one hand, a very emotional and impregnated with new technologies and, on the other hand, very dark and progressive. In his music, you will have the opportunity to hear all the styles of Psy Trance, Goa Trance, Progressive Psytrance and many more ...He likes to use beautiful vocals, real classic instruments, ambient sounds of nature, everyday sounds that you can hear anywhere you are. By combining all of these sounds and styles, he melts the audience and conquers their hearts.