Spectrum and info
The moon of Manakoora filled the night with magic Polynesian charm. The moon of Manakoora came in sight and brought you to my eager arms. The moon of Manakoora soon will rise again above the island shore. Then I’ll behold it in your dusky eyes and you’ll be in my arms once more. This is the first (and probably not the last) of the Moon of Manakoora fairytale. It grows up with broken dreams, red roses and enchanting sirens. Grew from the deep valleys and lost rivers of a mysterious island and spread quickly all over the human world as we know it today. This is your chance to enjoy the hidden beauty and the everlasting charm of this magic body of knowledge. These are the songs of the serenades, and the hidden mystic voyages of exotic birds, this is your chance to experience the magic and gorgeous beauty of a moon that have risen again.