Spectrum and info
As days pass, we wait for life to get back to its real momentum again. During this wait, I see two things happening around me very often, which inspired me to use my medium of vocal psytrance, to share what I see, in my own rendition of it.

The first, is people often getting separated while distance reveals what they believe were some hidden qualities of their partners. In the track "You are a virus", I share a part of the story of a group of guys who believe they were all cheated by one girl. Their story was merely one of many interesting ones that I felt would never have happened if it wasn't for the lock-downs!

The second is the story behind the track "Wait". It is about those very optimistic people waiting endlessly, to celebrate and when the wait it over, they shall be out there having the blast of their lifetime. A DJ like me totally looks forward to enjoying times ahead with them!